Friday, November 14, 2008

Great Season

Well it was a great time this Summer it's Nov. 14th and I'm still riding!!! Just put my 3rd back tire on the bike this week lots of miles. The Silverwing ran great I hope we can do more riding into December but you never know in the northeast.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Scooter Updates

So thanks to a buddy of mine Keith the Silverwing now has a backrest and a new much larger windshield. (Givi) I'll put up a new picture soon. We're getting a bit of nice late Summer weather this week I hope to do a lot of riding.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer Update

WOW can't believe Summer is flying by so fast it's been to long since I last posted anything. Been very busy like most Summers, doing lots of riding. Been blessed to meet many great people this Summer that like to ride and have a good time. Been to lots of good shows I can't believe it's the middle of August already. Got to cut this short some intense lighting happening out side!! Se ya next time..

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Almost Summer

Been a while since I posted now it's almost summer lots going on. My son Mike just visited for a week it was great to see him and he brought good weather with him that week. I'm still hoping to ride back to Charlotte in late July or early August to see him. My other son Matt is playing out with his band every other week or so. It's great to see the kids doing what they enjoy. I've been meeting lots of nice people through the Rochester Motorcycle Meetup Group been on 4 meetup's so far. Going to a few good concerts the next couple of weeks Lynyrd Skynyrd is this Saturday and Boston in August. Going to be doing lots of riding everyone ride safe out there!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Spring is Here

Well Spring has arrived in upstate New York I've been able to ride a lot to this point. Still not thrilled by the racing thing my son is doing in North Carolina. He had a crash recently in a race and thank God is doing ok no broken bones. Seeing lots of bikes out more scooters than I've ever seen. Honda has a new automatic transmission motorcycle out the dn01 not available in the US yet. Still waiting for Harley Davidson to come out with one can't understand why they are justing handing all that business to Honda and Suzuki. The American companies need to wake up and get into that market one that's actually growing.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New video on the blog from you tube

Well I put a new video of my youngest son playing his guitar on the blog tonight. I grew up enjoying listening to guitar solo's so this is very cool for me. He just gets better and better and it's a lot of fun to watch him. His band will be coming out with a CD soon, of course it's not my generations type of music but kids his age are into it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Racing in North Carolina

Well the newest development in North Carolina is my son is drag racing his new Honda CBR. As a parent I'd like to see him doing something a bit safer but he's almost 22 and that's not my call anymore. I guess it's another thing to see when I go back the Charlotte this summer.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Visit in July

My son says his friends and himself are going to ride their sport bikes up to New York in July. I think he better start working out, I can't imagine how sore his back will be having to lean forward like that for 750 miles on a sport bike (Honda CBR) I may meet them some where in PA with a buddy of mine he rides a Yamaha. Great to see so many people riding it doesn't matter what just hit the road and enjoy!!